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New climate case in the European Union : Romania’s first climate lawsuit by Anisia Hereșanu

In 2019, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights claimed that “[t]he world has never seen a threat to human rights of this scope” as that posed by climate change. Awareness of this issue is growing, which is why we see more and more cases where the emergency of the climate change crisis is being brought before the Courts. Climate-related lawsuits are multiplying around the … Continuer de lire New climate case in the European Union : Romania’s first climate lawsuit by Anisia Hereșanu

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Justice Climatique pour les générations futures devant la CEDH, Marta Torre- Schaub

Analyse de la requête DUARTE AGOSTINHO Le 27 septembre 2023 se tiendra dans la Grande Chambre de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) une audience qui, aux dires de nombreuses ONG promet d’être historique. Le 7 septembre 2020 un groupe de jeunes et enfants portugais a déposé une requête devant la Cour EDH à l’encontre de 33 États signataires de l’Accord de Paris (Requête … Continuer de lire Justice Climatique pour les générations futures devant la CEDH, Marta Torre- Schaub


par Alessandra Donati et Guénolé Houitte de la Chesnais Europe, jeunes et climat 2022 est l’année européenne de la jeunesse. Sous l’impulsion des institutions européennes, cette année se veut en effet consacrée à la réflexion sur l’importance des jeunes dans la construction d’un avenir « meilleur – plus vert, plus inclusif et numérique ». Or, selon une étude récente, intitulée « Inégalités intergénérationnelles dans l’exposition aux extrêmes climatiques » … Continuer de lire LA CRISE CLIMATIQUE : L’EUROPE À L’ÉPREUVE DES JEUNES

Forest certification: an alternative project to limited and ineffective international environmental treaties by Tiago Megale

Introduction The value of forests can be found on its features as a reservoir of fibre, fuel, wood and non-wood forest products susceptible to economic exploration, as a food source, as a habitat with a variety of wildlife, as a principal reservoir of biodiversity and as carbon sinks. Forests, however, have been recently devastated. Estimated data from the Brazilian National Institute of Space Research (INPE) … Continuer de lire Forest certification: an alternative project to limited and ineffective international environmental treaties by Tiago Megale

La présidence française de l’UE pour la neutralité carbone, un objectif qui ne peut pas reposer que sur la question de l’énergie consommée.

La présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne est un moment attendu en cette période fortement troublée, parce que traversée par des crises internes à l’Union comme pressantes à sa façade extérieure. « Nous vivons un moment européen » comme le proclame le projet publié. Dans ce contexte, il faudra savoir, lors du bilan, faire la part entre effet d’annonces propres à toute présidence tournante, d’autant plus … Continuer de lire La présidence française de l’UE pour la neutralité carbone, un objectif qui ne peut pas reposer que sur la question de l’énergie consommée.

Should the European Union fix, leave or kill the Energy Charter Treaty? by Martin Dietrich Brauch

The EU started it In the early 1990s, the European Economic Community—the predecessor of the European Union (EU)—spearheaded an initiative to promote international cooperation in the energy sector, particularly with post-Soviet States in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Out of this process the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) was born in 1994. Going much beyond international cooperation, the treaty allows foreign investors in the energy sector … Continuer de lire Should the European Union fix, leave or kill the Energy Charter Treaty? by Martin Dietrich Brauch

The Rise of Urban Commons in Europe by Alessandra Quarta and Antonio Vercellone

In the last ten years, the concept of the commons became popular in social studies and political activism and in some countries domestic lawyers have shared the interest for this notion. Even if an (existing or proposed) statutory definition of the commons is still very rare, lawyers get familiar with the concept of the commons through the filter of property law, where such a concept … Continuer de lire The Rise of Urban Commons in Europe by Alessandra Quarta and Antonio Vercellone

ESG Data and Reporting in the Forefront of Sustainability: Challenges and the Way Forward by Chrysa Alexandraki

ESG Data and Reporting in the Forefront of Sustainability: Challenges and the Way Forward Major legal advancements are taking place in the realm of sustainability. Alongside the proliferation of self-regulatory disclosure standards, the EU has been a pioneer in enacting legislation regarding sustainability-related disclosures. In order to incorporate and disclose non-financial information, an organization needs to access and collect a significant quantity of Environment, Social … Continuer de lire ESG Data and Reporting in the Forefront of Sustainability: Challenges and the Way Forward by Chrysa Alexandraki

Can sustainability-related risks be integrated in the disclosure obligation under the EU Taxonomy Regulation? by Elia Cerrato García

The EU Taxonomy Regulation Sustainable finance: moving towards a forward-looking approach The EU Taxonomy Regulation, which enters into force on 1 January 2022 contains the action of EU and worldwide legislators to mitigate the worst consequences of climate change. It includes sustainability factors to reshape the economic activities that have adverse impacts on the environment. The ultimate goal of the EU Taxonomy Regulation is to … Continuer de lire Can sustainability-related risks be integrated in the disclosure obligation under the EU Taxonomy Regulation? by Elia Cerrato García

Faire avancer le droit climatique par Christian Huglo

Il est vrai que les immenses préoccupations engendrées par les crises qui se succèdent en Europe, le renouveau du développement de la Covid-19, les actes effrayants de terrorisme ont tendance naturellement à occulter le devoir des États et de tous les membres de la société civile de continuer à développer le droit de l’environnement, car ce qui attend l’Humanité à très long terme ne saurait … Continuer de lire Faire avancer le droit climatique par Christian Huglo